In the morning when the moon is at its rest
You will find me at the time I love the best
Watching rainbows play on sunlight
pools of water, ice-cream cold nights
in the morning
Can't you imagine it?
It's the morning of my life.
In the daytime I will meet you as before
You will find me waiting by the ocean floor
Building castles in the shifting sands
in a world nobody understands
In the morning
is the morning of my life.
In the morning of my life
Minutes take so long to drift away
Please be patient with your life
It's only morning and you've still to live your day.
In the evening I will fly you to the moon
To the top right hand corner of the ceiling in my room
And there we'll stay till the sun shines
Another day
play on clothes lines
And I'll be yawnin'
'Tis the mornin' of my life
Morning of my life.
I Googled the song on YouTube, and I am listening to Nina Simone sing it while I am typing this. What an amazing voice she has.
I'm sorry to hear your have lupus. I hope you are controlling it. You seem to be a very strong, ingelligent (and beautiful) young woman. Sometimes we seem to be given a burden we don't need, don't we?
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