I drew the blinds today on the window near my bed.
They are building a concrete block 20 feet opposite my room. The bricks are yellow. Down on the far right there is a large patch of blue. Is it the builders' wall? Is it sky? My eyes can't tell.
But I am pretending it is the sea, reflecting waves at me. I am imagining it is the bright blue of Malibu ocean where Jennifer Anniston runs with her dog Norman.
It is Portugal, it is the Maldives.
It is the place of dreams I catch glimpses of in magazines.
(dictated from hospital via phone)
The blue and the yellow can be anything you want it to be :) Maybe you can write a poem or story about it.Yellow can also be a desert, or an ancient building...let your mind roam freely in the sky of possibilities, like a kyte. Rest and dream well my dear friend. Cheers to a speedy recovery.
please get well soon. you're still in my prayers
dearest shaistou. we are far away. and that sucks. but know that you are always in our thoughts. i cannot understand what you are going through or have endured all these years. but blue skies must lie ahead. i think it's time we watched another korean movie. yes, we will add one to your parcel this weekend. i will request that AJA is used a lot xxx
Dearest Shaista -
I hope today is a brighter day with blue skies. I have been thinking of you and I have awarded you the "Excessively Diverting Blog Award" which was begun by the people of 'Jane Austen Today' blog. You do not have to post the medaillion or pass it on....please just enjoy the honor for your inspiring blog!
All the best,
Dear Shaista Warrior-Poet
The thoughts of the Deep Listeners are with you, and I carried you in my heart as I walked amongst raindrops this morning.
Much love, Maxine
Get well soon Shaista, your poetry is beautiful and the world needs you. hugs, freya xx
Dear Shaista, Rizwan kindly shared your blog with me.
No one should have to suffer as you are, & my thoughts & hopes for a speedy recovery are with you.
I also wish for your beautiful beach to become reality.
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