As many of you know, I am a great admirer and student of the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, the Zen Buddhist leader of the Community of Interbeing. The practise of mindfulness has helped me more than any intravenous steroids or immuno-suppressant drug. It came into my life at the darkest point when my left eye was operated on, and the future looked too bleak to bear. Mindfulness is really the practise of gratitude; the knowledge that you can be grateful for your life, in all its uniqueness, is very freeing. It allows you to concentrate on the beauty of a moment without fear, anger, frustration. Gratitude dispels these emotions.
Thich Nhat Hanh, lovingly called Thay or teacher, has been in hospital since my birthday, 21st of August, and I thought I would share part of his letter from hospital, to the Sangha. Going into hospital is going to be pleasant, knowing Thay is there practising in the same environment, and showing me the Way.