Well, I did as you suggested, and posted the grim little piece. But I woke up this morning entirely out of sorts. I have realised something intrinsic about myself. I do write at the dark hours, words that are hooked out of me; but such pieces are really like weeding an overgrown garden. I have to set to, and hack away until I reach the clearing. And it is in the light that my voice really rings true, for me. It is not enough that I write to rescue myself. It matters far more that I bring joy, and a little glee. I have been utterly depressed today, far more so than when I wrote the dashed things! So don't read yesterday's post anymore, ignore it entirely. Tomorrow I shall post something that breathes... thank goodness for tomorrow.
even when you are sad, you write with such beauty.
much love
Breathe...yes, thank goodness for tomorrow. When you hack away at your garden you discover that, well, a little pesticide is needed. In the spring, it will bloom, healthy.
I hung the show yesterday and thought of you with each nail that I hammered into the wall.
Ah, but your dark piece was so moving. It touched me, Shaista, with it's beauty.
You write very very well, yes with beauty. You show that there is beauty even in pain.
I admire you for writing it and sharing it, this depression that must make you want to do nothing.
The image is so sweet.
Each day brings new beginnings and it's good to be cheerful. Such poetic wordsin your post even when you feel down.
Dear heart I forgot to tell you that Angelique does not blog.
Renee xoxo
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