Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Breaking (news)

Haiti hit by earthquake
Stones thrown to Malaysia
Glass splinters off
the gurdwara
and shards
find their way
to the dungeons, the brothels
of Cambodia.

There, if the earth quakes
and a million sighs escape
Death equates
to freedom.

Image from, Port-au-Prince


Renee said...

Sweet Shaista you are brilliant.

I didn't know Hadith meant that, I thought it was a book or a writer.

You are so clever.

Pray for the people around the world dear sister.


Maxine said...

Well done Shaista. I've been trying to complete a poem about this for the last 24 hours, and I know how difficult it is.

Tess Kincaid said...

My heart and prayers go out to all the families touched by this horrific disaster.

RNSANE said...

Earthquakes are so terrifying. In the past couple of weeks, we've had two near us in northern CA. One, about 4.6, I felt as I worked at my computer one morning. I waited a second to see if I should run room is downstairs and I always fear the house will fall on me. After a short roll, things stopped so I kept typing away. The second quake, a 6.8, I believe, was offshore. It caused a bit of damage but it would have been much worse had it been on land.

My heart goes out to the Haitians.
When the very earth under your feet rumbles, life can change forever.

Lisa said...

Your words paint a thousand pictures.

Kitty Moore said...

wonderful poem - my thoughts are with those whose lives have been affected.

Kitty x

Samosas for One said...

Moving and haunting words.

Stella said...

Sending all my love and energy their way. Thank you so much for the power of your words.

Anonymous said...

I am also sending up my prayers for those in Haiti. It is a tragedy beyond comprehension. God bless those affected.

karen said...

I love that you have dotted the blog realm with your poetry as a way to collect our thoughts, prayers, and positive energy to send to Haiti.

I love your blog.Thank you for following mine. By has given me the gift of yours.

Hugs full of well wishes,


Tom Bailey said...

What a unique viewpoint and context to see this from. WOW.

Your words provide a view that is not often shared.

Thanks for sharing it.

Tom Bailey

Al Scandar said...



and Sensible


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