Spring turned to summer with the house full of the sounds of children - some of those children being forty years old, calling out ‘Mum! Dad! Dinner!’ Yes, we cook for our parents now... and photograph them by the T-Rex in the World of Animals park…

There were dog days aplenty … Nikei, the Italian street diva (corgi mix), Sandy the cockapoo with instant love to give, Buddy the Akita who shed too much for Perveen’s liking, Pepper the well trained one, and of course, Samwise ‘the original’ Gamjee…
What does Cambridge have to offer, I often wonder, when my four children enjoy so many wonders in Singapore and Malaysia … the answer comes in the green shires - cows, tents in the garden, riverside walks, jam and chocolate wafer sandwiches, but most of all, the being together part. En famille, unbroken.
It was heaven for Dad, who has always known this is what he wanted. Children and more children, and togetherness. Until it’s time to let go, and begin again, half living perfectly in the now, and half waiting for the next time we are together again...
So joyous when your beautiful family gathers together. It looks and sounds marvelous. The Littles are getting taller!!!!!! The years fly! Love all the doggy visitors too. I am off this morning to walk dogs at the local rescue. Smiles.
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